Principal Investigators

The Principal Investigators of the Graduate School BuildMoNa are listed here. Follow the links to see their respective homepages.

Surname, first name, academic titleInstituteResearch area
Abel, Bernd, Prof. Dr.Wilhelm Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical ChemistryMolecular Physical Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry
Anders, André, Prof. Dr.Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics,
Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)
Applied Physics / Plasma Applications
Asmis, Knut, Prof. Dr.*Wilhelm Ostwald-Institute for Physical and Theoretical ChemistryPhysical Chemistry
Beck-Sickinger, Annette G., Prof. Dr.*Institute of BiochemistryBiochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry
Belder, Detlev, Prof. Dr.Institute of Analytical ChemistryConcentration Analytics
Cichos, Frank, Prof. Dr.*Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter PhysicsMolecular Nano-photonics
Coin, Irene, Dr.Institute of BiochemistryBiochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry
Gläser, Roger, Prof. Dr.*Institute of Chemical TechnologyHeterogeneous Catalysis
Grundmann, Marius, Prof. Dr.*Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State PhysicsSemiconductor Nanostructures
Haase, Jürgen, Prof. Dr.Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State PhysicsCorrelated Matter
Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.*Institute of Inorganic ChemistryOrganometallic Chemistry
Huster, Daniel, Prof. Dr.Institute for Medical Physics and BiophysicsApplication of physical methods and concepts to biological and medical issues
Jablonska, Magdalena, Dr.*Institute of Chemical TechnologyEnvironmental Catalysis
Janke, Wolfhard, Prof. Dr.*Institute for Theoretical PhysicsStatistical Physics
Käs, Josef Alfons, Prof. Dr.*Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter PhysicsLaser Physics, Biological and Soft-matter Physics
Kersting, Berthold, Prof. Dr.*Institute of Inorganic ChemistrySupramolecular Chemistry
Krautscheid, Harald, Prof. Dr.*Institute of Inorganic ChemistrySolid State Chemistry
Kremer, Friedrich, Prof. Dr.Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter PhysicsPolymerphysics
Kroy, Klaus, Prof. Dr.*Institute for Theoretical PhysicsSoft and Biological Matter
Mayr, Stefan G., Prof. Dr.*Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State Physics,
Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)
Meijer, Jan, Prof. Dr.*Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State PhysicsNuclear Solid State Physics
Oeckler, Oliver, Prof. Dr.*Institute for Materials Science and CristallographyMaterials Science and Cristallography
Pompe, Tilo, Prof. Dr.*Institute of BiochemistryBiophysical Chemistry
Rosenow, Bernd, Prof. Dr.*Institute for Theoretical PhysicsStatistical Physics
Schnohr, Claudia, Prof. Dr.*Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State PhysicsStructure and properties of complex solids
Schmid, Andreas, Prof. Dr.Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)Environmental Engineering & Biotechnology
Schulze, Agnes, Dr.*Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)Surfaces of Porous Membrane Filters
Seidel, Ralf, Prof. Dr.*Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter PhysicsMolecular Biophysics
Sturm, Chris, Dr.*Felix Bloch Institute for Solid State PhysicsEllipsometry and Polariton Physics
Zeitler, Kirsten, Prof. Dr.Institute for Organic ChemistryPhotocatalysis
Zink, Mareike, Prof. Dr.*Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter PhysicsSoft-Matter Physics

*First supervisors

List of former Principal Investigators

last update: 1 November 2023, A. Hildebrand